Sunday, November 30, 2008

Chesnuts Roasting..

My Christmas season just can't officially start until we put up the tree and decorate our little house. So today, after church and round table, we pulled out all the Christmas stuff from the attic, put the Christmas playlist on, toasted some yummy Starbucks and got to work. Here are some pictures of us in action, and our results!

Unpacking decorations. Note my wonky melted candle...
I need to make a Michael's run for some new ones!

My new favorite ornament, an early present from Shanna and Billy.
( Note the dogs and cat are on there too!)

And, of course, Gigi and Winnie were VERY involved. Involved in their naps that is...
So, in other words...
Christmas time is here.
Happiness and cheer.
Fun for all that children call
Their favorite time of the year!!!!


Unknown said...

Hi guys! Good to hear from you and find your blog. It sounds like you two have similar Christmas traditions - we did almost the same thing last weekend. I love decorating for the holidays! Merry Christmas! Katie (and Tom)

Cherie (and sometimes Senor) said...

Que Bonita Senorita! Love it, looks beautiful!

Josh and Lori Shinar said...

Way cute!

The Butchers said...

I officially covet your "The Turners 2008" ornament. Not because of the number of pets on it, but it is just to damn cute! And I envy the fact that you can have place settings set out on your table... without concern that a child might start smashing them just to hear what it sounds like!... although, maybe one of your furry children might try that...

expressions said...

I love the picture of your fireplace. It is picture perfect! It looks like i came out of a catalogue.

Notice the attempt to become a blogger??;)

expressions said...
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Lacey said...

Ha, Sammy you should do a picture blog. Your pictures are amazing!