Sunday, May 30, 2010

Sweet Sleepers

We seem to finally be a a GOOD sleeping schedule. I mean, I thought we were doing pretty well, BUT our beloved babysitter brought a book called "The Sleep Solution" and we have learned ALOT ALOT ALOT! First, (duh) it is possible for them to nap at the same time!... I think before because we had them on such different feeding schedules, they napped opposite. They also woke up every day between 5 and 6 am..UGH... So the book is based on a pretty set schedule and only letting them nap 2 naps during the day. The first being 1 hour, the second 2 hours. I was surprised at how it works. The hardest part is keeping Noah awake between the last 2 feedings, but he is the one whose schedule is really being changed..

SO step ONE, get them eating 30min apart. This actually is helping Mr. Noah with his eating, we have taken him down to 4x daily, and spread them out a bit, so he has more of a chance to get hungry. Nater-Tater was already on the 4x daily schedule. WOOT.

Here is our schedule, thus far..

7am- up and at em.
7:30-8 They each get a bottle/tube fed if Noah is particularly stubborn
8:30 Dinosaur Train ( a PBS favorite)
9am- Yummy solid food time
10-11 Naps!!! We usually read books on floor in nursery, snuggle with mommy til sleepy..
1130-12 Bottle
1-2 Play time
2-4 Nap #2
4-430 Bottles
5-6 Play time!
6pm, Yummy solids, again
7-8 bathtime, and 4th bottle. Then snuggle, sleepy music and NIGHT NIGHT!!!
Here are sweet sleepy pictures from this mornings naps.. They aren't high quality, but, hey, I was trying to be quiet!!!


Monday, May 10, 2010


Sweet Potatoes, Stroller Rides and Trips to Dee Dees...Just a few things keeping me from more frequent updates!

Noah is learning to love real food! We get excited about anything this kid will take by mouth! Still working on the bottle. Little buddy is going to be meeting with an Occupational Therapist to work on eating and muscle tone :)
Mother's Day was spent at Dee Dee and Daddy Ran's house! They stole Daddy Ran's chair, but I don't think he minds!
We love to get decked out and go for a stroll!

I just love this picture of Nate, he looks like a fisherman to me!

All yummy and sweet smelling from a bath!
Nate working on sitting up, and LOVES to stand up, all the time.
Noah is working on sitting up too, but still not much leg strength! They both LOVE the TV show Dinasaur Train, and I think we are going to see a "tooth explosion" soon!