Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Victims in Pink Kimonos

So, for those of you who might not know, last week was a little stressful around here. I had a general yearly girly checkup with my Doc on Tuesday... when we found another suspicious bit of lumpiness in the outer corner of the left breast. Now, this isn't new territory for me. In fact, two years ago this May, I had a benign tumor removed from the same area. I actually noticed the second said lump over the weekend, but I had told myself not to panic.. I would see what the doc thought. Well, she thought I needed an ultrasound, which was scheduled for Friday. So..four looonng days ensued. I fretted, worried, cried, stressed, and generally forgot that God really is on my side.  Fast forward to Friday, afternoon, 3pm. I am shown to this really small waiting room, after changing into a lovely, pink kimono-type top. It was here I had to wait for MY turn.  3 hours, 6 women, one small room. 47 magazines. I was the youngest by far. We all had some lumpy reason to be there.  We all had fear and stress written across our faces.  Little by little, each of us shared a bit of ourselves..  I was last in line, naturally.  Towards the end, it was one older buxom woman, and me. She was pacing. At first I thought she was nervous, but then I saw her lips move. I realized she was praying. I guess she saw me watching her, because she stopped and said, I don't know what is in my future, but I KNOW Who holds it. He is bigger than us, and bigger than this.... My name was called then, and the nurse explained gently that the doctor wanted to see my fellow waiting room friend. I received a clean bill of "everything is ok, just some scar tissue. See us in 6 months" It dawned on me that my friend, my fellow faithful believer was most likely not getting the same great news.. I offered up a prayer, remembering the One who would hold her hand as well as her future.  And I believe that she will take it in stride and give it up to HIM. 
"Coincidentally" at church on Sunday, our pastor spoke about the so-called victim mentality. How we take these circumstances thrown at us, and act like we don't have a risen Savior.  We have freedom from death, but we live like we are dying. I lived in fear last week, but this week, I have freedom in the knowledge that HE is bigger than anything that might come my way!

Thank you guys for all your love and prayers last week! 


1 comment:

Jess said...

I'm so glad to hear everything is okay!