Monday, March 21, 2011

I will lift my eyes..

I am sitting at my favorite spot in my house. Yes, the computer/desk. Because it looks out onto my porch, which I love. I can see all the neighborhood kids getting off the bus, heading for the playground. I am thinking about how big my boys are getting. I think Nathan has grown a couple of inches in the last few weeks, and Praise the Lord, I think Noah might have gained some weight! It makes me a little sad to see them growing up so fast. Knowing, before I blink they will be getting off of that school bus! I think about the last year.. we have lots of one year milestones coming up in the next few months. In fact, the 29th marks ONE YEAR since Noah had his open heart surgery. ( And Nathan's first time away from ME, well, after the NICU that is) We have had a rough year, but so many hurts have been redeemed. I look around every day and see beauty from ashes.. Yesterday we sang a Bebo Norman song at church, I have always LOVED this song, but it spoke my heart.

"I will lift my eyes to the maker, of the mountains I can't climb
I will lift my eyes to calmer, of the oceans raging wild
I will lift my eyes to the healer, of the hurtI hold inside
I will lift my eyes, lift my eyes to YOU"

Such sweet words!

Now a Turner Tank Update!

Nathan is walking ( and running, mostly away from me when he snags my phone, or something else he isn't supposed to have!)
Noah is cruising, and letting go. He has taken a step or two with his OT, Danielle (who threatens to steal him, sometimes!)
Nathan is a little parrot, on repeat. "mama, this, that, dog, uh-oh, YUM, HEY, BYE ( loudly) and so on and so forth. And my favorite, Wuuuv Youuuu"
Noah, is talking more and more. Today he said DOG ( alot), and book, ick, yuck lol and MAMA!

I should have a weight update for him next week, please pray he packs it on!!!

Here are some pictures!
My Nephew Fisher, just because he is ADORABLE!

Noah, circa 5am. Awake and enthusiastic. ( Mommy is NOT)

Omygosh, Nathan you are such a big sweetheart!
Noah LOVES this horse at Offie's house!!

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