Monday, February 14, 2011

The Sweetest Valentines

These sweet flowers were waiting for me when i got home on Friday.. with a note that read "You're our Valentine, and we love you, love Nathan and Noah." Now I love surprises, they are my FAV-OR-ITE thing..but this one was even better because it was just what I needed. After a looong couple of weeks of self doubt and insecurity, it was a sweet reminder that our GOD knows the deepest part of us. He knew I needed a reminder that even though I may not have a husband that brings me flowers or chocolate, I have two little buddies who are delightful, and a Jesus who still surprises me! So I may not know who dialed the phone (lol) for Nathan and Noah, I know that God was working through them..So whoever you are, thank you, I love you, and don't ever tell me!


Jennifer G said...


Jill said...

I don't know what is going on, but just know I am praying for you and your boys.