Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Dog Room!!

So, one of our first major dilemmas with TWO babies coming, is what to do with our current babies, our dogs Winnie and Gigi. My hubby, in a moment of brilliance, came up with the idea of making a dog room, out of a storage room on the garage. When I left this morning, the picture below,( plus some sheetrock) was the current state of the room.

And, when I got home, THIS is the new door, that goes into the back-yard! Why is this important? Well, because SOON this door will have a dog-door in the bottom of it, allowing us to crate our dogs HERE, and giving them more freedom to go in an out, but NOT in and out of my house! AND, no more crates in my kitchen! YEAY!!

I literally cannot wait to be able to put them here, and I hope they like it. This is the first of MANY changes to come, I am sure!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Things come better in TWOS:)

Well, now that the shock is over, we are getting really excited that we are having TWINS... twinkies, two Turner babies... Oh geez! ... Before you ask, YES it runs in the family and NO we did not have in-vitro or take clomid... We are just doubly blessed, and I drop eggs like its hot... ok ok, sorry.
I think most of you know, the second baby was a surprise, 3 weeks ago, at our regularly scheduled appt. Dr Williams decided to do an ultrasound, b/c I was only 11.5 weeks, and the little heartbeat might not be picked up yet via dopplar. Well, I am really quite thankful she did, b/c SURPRISE, there are two little ones in there. This was our 2nd ultrasound, mind you! Much hilarity and chaos ensued, between my Mom, and Kelly J NOT believing me ( really) calling Kristin and Sarah and making them meet up with me at the 'mont to tell them in person ( and calm me down, too, I think- thankfully Sarah was there and Kristin was off) Telling my boss and coworkers- this is our SECOND twin happening, since Emily is also having twins...
Now that I have had time to think and pray... I wouldn't have it any other way. I have always wanted twins... I wanted to be a twin growing up. I think I even lied and told Kelly I WAS a twin once ( hence the reason she wouldn't believe me) .. Even though I have minutes where I think about it, and I can't breathe, I have never had a clearer picture of God's goodness... of His provision, of His timing. We feel so surrounded.. we have already been given gifts and baby stuff our friends aren't using anymore ( thanks Jen) We possibly already have someone to keep them, someone we LOVE and who will LOVE them and help us teach them about Jesus and Grace... We could get so caught up in the worry, the fear, but we have such a clear picture of what it means to Dwell in Christ, vs dwelling in fear... to sow to the Spirit and not the flesh... These babies are being created for a holy purpose. They are precious, God-made beings, before they will even take a breath outside of my body... It puts me in awe really, and is an amazing glimpse of God... :) And, like I said, we wouldn't change it for anything!