Saturday, May 16, 2009

Signs things are changing...

 Good grief,  again it has been a long time. Things have been  a little nutty!  The most significant change is that we are having a baby! Coming this December, around the 9th! Woohoo... But I think most of you know that.  I was thinking today, on my way home from buying/ scanning, maternity clothes, the funny little signs that things are changing in our house.  It is weird, the little subtle changes... hints... Like our fridge being  constantly stocked with ginger ale and Sprite. I have never really been a sprite drinker. Now,  I like to alternate b/t the two, and usually have one first thing in the AM. SOMETIMES, this helps ward off morning sickness. I also carry low fat cheez-its in my purse, Yes, in my purse. This came  in handy this morning, at brunch...We were waiting for our friend Paulina to arrive before we ordered, but I knew I could lose it, so I kept sneaking little bites of cheez-it... I have never been so thankful for a cracker!  I have random bibs and baby stuff, scattered  at my house, all from my Mom, with little sayings like "I love my Aunt Alissa" or a diaper cloth that says " I love my Dee Dee".. She can't help it really, we made her wait 4 + years. I cannot imagine what it will be like when we know what it is! There will be an explosion of pink or blue!  Speaking of explosion, there is a plethora of baby "material"  Pamphlets, samples, coupons...Finally there are lists. I am a list person. Right now these consist of things we have to do to the house... you might think this is early, but we have to knock out a wall, and build a doorway, plus replace some carpet, etc etc.
All the little changes aside, we are really excited...It is so humbling and precious to feel loved, supported and prayed for!  Coming soon, this week, we should have better Ultrasound pictures, I will try to put some up for you!
Love,  Lacey


Cherie (and sometimes Senor) said...

wait, what? knocking out walls? moving doors? what the heck are you doing? where is this taking place and how will it change things? I'm so curious.
we are a bit behind you guys, right now I'm just praying for a place to lay my bebe's little head when it's born! Perhaps I'll eventually be able to think about more important things like nursery colors and decor...
trip was awesome, will post pics soon and will be in GA in less than 3 weeks!!!!! So freakin excited!
what's the latest with you and le bebe?

MommaG said...

I understand your mother's need to start buying all the cute little baby things out there. I'm hopin' to find out soon whether to buy pink or blue. Then let the shopping begin...For now, I'm just buying picture books to read to little Peanut.

Lindsey Taylor said...

Will you be finding out what you're having this week then? I'm so excited for you guys. I hope you guys can come over soon if you're not too busy. Have a good week!

~Lindsey Taylor

Unknown said...

Congratulations you guys! Looking forward to hearing more about your little one! We're also figuring out where we will put ours. Right now the baby will probably be sharing the guest room - hehe. Makes you want to come visit, right?